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k : Kilo. One Thousand. For example, 20kHz = 20,000Hz.


K : (1) Often used in place of "k" for one thousand, but precisely means 1,024 bytes, abbreviated KB.

(2) Temperature measured by the Kelvin scale. The various film and TV lighting sources are always measured by the Kelvin scale, and most color film stocks are balanced to give proper color reproduction at either 3,200→K (tungsten-halogen lamps) or 5,400→K (noonday sun).


key : In music, the key is the pitch of the tonic of the musical scale used. Tonal music gravitates toward a home key, the tonic. Key is established by the use of a fixed scale of notes based on this tonic note and can be emphasized by other, related notes and by cadences. The tonic note or chord assumes greater importance than the others and leads, by extension, to a hierarchy of chords with the dominant (based on the fifth note of the scale) of particular significance. See temperament.


key code : See keyboard control voltage.


key follow : See envelope tracking.


key map : A keymap assigns a sample to each MIDI note or key on a keyboard. The map is set to respond to a specific MIDI channel so incoming MIDI notes on that channel trigger the samples assigned to them.


key numbers : Numbers on the side of film stock created during film manufacture that are visible on the developed negative and positive prints made therefrom.


key pressure : See poly pressure.


key signature : The group of sharp or flat symbols placed immediately after the clef symbol on the stave at the beginning of a piece of music, and at the beginning of every subsequent stave, to indicate the key. These sharps or flats are presumed to be active for the duration of the piece or section, unless cancelled, either temporarily (for one bar or part of the current bar) by an accidental) or more permanently, by the placing of a new key signature.


Key-off : pinch-roller release when cassette is put in use to avoid tape damage.

keyboard control voltage : The control voltage parameter that tells the signal-generating circuit exactly which key has been depressed.


keyboard rate scaling : See envelope tracking.


keyboard scaling : A function with which the sound can be altered smoothly across the range of the keyboard by using key numbers as a modulation source. Level scaling changes the loudness of the sound, while filter scaling changes its brightness.


keyboard tracking : See envelope tracking.


keying input : In a signal generating or signal processing device, an input for a control signal that determines the type and amount of processing applied to the audio signal, or of the sound produced, respectively.


keying signal : The signal sent to the keying input of a signal-producing or signal processing device, which then activates the device.


kirsch : In film, when a director has requested a change in the sound and then gives his or her approval to what was, in fact, no net change, either deliberately or accidentally on the part of the mixers. Kirches can be self-inflicted as when a mixer adjusts a control when it is not in the signal path, or listens for a change while the PEC/direct paddles are in playback mode, as opposed to input mode.


KSHRFOO : The traditional first seven microphone input channels on a mixing console in a rock recording/SR set-up. By convention, these are for the Kick-drum, Snare, Hi-hat, Rim, Overhead left, and Overhead right mics on the drum kit.


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